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Financial Self-Care: How To Manage Your Mental Health And Your Budget At The Same Time

Updated: Dec 3, 2023

A Black and Gold calculator sitting on the table with a spreadsheet
Calculator & Spreadsheet

Understanding the Link Between Financial Health and Mental Well-being

I believe that Self-Care is more than just bubble baths and face masks. No one enjoys a lazy day more than me but self-care encompasses so much more than facials and Manicures.

While these activities are enjoyable, true self-care encompasses more of a holistic approach to our overall well-being. It means being intentional about nurturing every aspect of our lives with diligence and purpose.

This is why I initially fell in love with “The 12 Building Blocks of Self-Care—a comprehensive framework that helps us prioritize self-care in all areas.

These 12 building blocks provide a valuable foundation for assessing each aspect of our lives objectively. They enable us to identify areas that need attention while keeping a balanced perspective.

Recently, I had a wake-up call when I realized I had been neglecting my own financial well-being. I had been living a carefree lifestyle over the summer, but it was began taking a toll on my finances.

It was then that I realized the importance of financial self-care, which is just as crucial as the other building blocks.

I reminded myself that neglecting my financial health can negatively impact my mental well-being. So, I swiftly regained control by refocusing on my budget and my broader goals.

It's essential to avoid the pitfalls of financial struggles, as they can have a detrimental effect on our overall wellness.

By consciously incorporating financial self-care into my routine, I regained clarity and balance. It serves as a reminder that self-care involves tending to every area of our lives, including our financial health.

Hand in a blue shirt sleeve holding a credit card
Hand holding a credit card

What Is Finacial Self-Care

Financial self-care refers to the intentional and mindful management of one's financial well-being. It involves making informed decisions about spending, saving, and investing in alignment with one's personal goals and values.

Financial self-care is crucial because it directly impacts our overall mental and emotional well-being. When we take control of our finances, we reduce stress and anxiety related to money matters, allowing us to experience a greater sense of security and peace of mind.

It empowers us to prioritize our financial goals, establish healthy money habits, and maintain a balanced financial life.

By practicing financial self-care, we can build a solid foundation for our future, make informed choices, and ultimately achieve financial stability and freedom. It's an essential aspect of self-care that enables us to live a more fulfilled and stress-free life.

Pink piggy bank sitting on a gray and black calculator
Piggy bank sitting on a calculator

Setting Financial Goals That Promote Mental Wellness

Setting financial goals that promote mental wellness is an important aspect of financial self-care. To begin, take some time to reflect on what truly matters to you and align your financial goals accordingly.

Identify specific objectives that contribute to your overall well-being, such as creating an emergency fund, paying off debt, or saving for a meaningful experience.

Break down these goals into smaller, actionable steps to make them more achievable and less overwhelming.

Additionally, focus on setting realistic and attainable targets to avoid unnecessary stress or disappointment.

Regularly track and review your progress, celebrating milestones along the way. Remember to be kind to yourself throughout the process, acknowledging that financial goals are part of a broader journey towards mental wellness.

By setting financial goals that prioritize your mental well-being, you can cultivate a healthy relationship with money and create a sense of financial security that supports your overall happiness and peace of mind.

Man rubbing his eyes beneath his glasses in fatigue while sitting in front of his laptop at a desk
Tired man looking at laptop

Don't Let Your Self-Worth Be Tied To Your Net Worth

Building a healthy relationship with money is a vital aspect of financial self-care. Recognize that your self-worth is not defined by your financial status or material possessions.

Embrace the belief that your value as a person goes beyond monetary measures. Practice self-compassion and challenge any negative beliefs or self-judgment related to money.

Cultivate a mindset of abundance and gratitude, focusing on what you have rather than what you lack. Develop a balanced approach to spending and saving, ensuring that your financial decisions align with your values and long-term goals.

Be mindful of your financial choices and avoid using money as a means to measure your worth or seek validation.

By nurturing a healthy relationship with money and reinforcing your self-worth independent of financial success, you can experience a greater sense of contentment and fulfillment in your financial journey.

A happy woman dressed in black holding two shopping bags smiling
Happy woman with shopping bags

Don't Be Impulsive

Practicing mindfulness when making financial decisions is a powerful way to cultivate financial self-care. Begin by bringing awareness to your thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations related to money.

Take a moment to pause and observe any impulses or desires that may arise. Before making a purchase, ask yourself if it aligns with your values and long-term goals.

Practice delayed gratification by giving yourself time to reflect on the necessity and potential impact of the decision.

Engage in mindful budgeting, regularly reviewing your income and expenses to make informed choices.

Pay attention to your financial habits and patterns, and challenge any impulsive or emotional spending tendencies. Practice gratitude for your financial resources and acknowledge the abundance in your life.

By incorporating mindfulness into your financial decision-making process, you can make choices that align with your values, avoid unnecessary impulse purchases, and ultimately cultivate a healthier and more intentional relationship with money.

Mans hands holding a gold credit card and his cell phone
Man holding a credit card and his cell

Strategies for Reducing Financial Stress and Anxiety

Reducing financial stress and anxiety is a crucial aspect of financial self-care. One effective approach is to create a realistic budget that aligns with your income and expenses. Track your spending, identify areas where you can cut back, and prioritize essential expenses.

Building an emergency fund can provide a sense of security and act as a buffer during unexpected financial challenges. Communicate openly with loved ones about financial concerns to share the burden and seek support.

Practice self-care activities that don't require spending money, such as exercise, meditation, or spending time in nature.

Seek professional help or financial counseling if needed, as they can offer guidance and strategies to alleviate financial stress.

Additionally, educate yourself about personal finance through books, podcasts, or online resources to empower yourself with knowledge.

Remember, small steps taken consistently can make a significant difference in reducing financial stress and promoting a healthier relationship with money.

A woman applying facial cream to her cheek and smiling
Woman applying facial cream

Prioritizing Self-Care on a Limited Budget

1. Create an at-home self-care routine:

Transform your home into a haven of relaxation and self-care. Take soothing baths with affordable bath products, indulge in DIY facials or hair masks using natural ingredients from your kitchen, or practice meditation and deep breathing exercises in a quiet space. Engage in activities like reading, journaling, or listening to calming music to unwind and recharge.

2. Explore free or low-cost activities:

Look for opportunities to engage in activities that promote self-care without breaking the bank. Take walks or go for hikes in nature, visit local parks or beaches, or organize picnics with friends or loved ones. Utilize public libraries to borrow books or attend free community events such as workshops or fitness classes. Take advantage of free online resources, such as guided meditation apps or workout videos, to enhance your well-being.

3. Prioritize rest and sleep:

Quality rest and sufficient sleep are essential for self-care. Establish a consistent sleep schedule and create a relaxing bedtime routine.

Ensure your sleep environment is comfortable, clutter-free, and conducive to a good night's rest. Limit screen time before bed to promote better sleep. If possible, take short power naps during the day to rejuvenate and recharge.

4. Practice gratitude and mindfulness:

Cultivating gratitude and mindfulness doesn't require any financial investment. Take a few moments each day to reflect on what you're grateful for, whether it's a beautiful sunset, a supportive friend, or a small accomplishment.

Engage in mindfulness exercises like deep breathing, body scans, or mindful eating to stay present and reduce stress. These practices can enhance your overall well-being without requiring any significant financial resources.

Remember, self-care is about prioritizing your well-being in meaningful ways, and it doesn't have to be expensive.

By getting creative and focusing on activities that nurture your mind, body, and soul, you can practice self-care on a budget and still experience the benefits.

Blount woman sitting next to dark-haired woman sharing a laptop screen smiling and talking
Two women looking at a laptop, talking

Seeking Help for Financial and Mental Support

Seeking support, whether from family, friends, or professionals, is of utmost importance when it comes to self-care.

Recognizing that you don't have to face challenges alone is a crucial step toward maintaining your mental and emotional well-being.

Turning to trusted family members and friends can provide a sense of comfort, understanding, and perspective.

They can offer a listening ear, practical advice, or simply be a source of emotional support during difficult times.

Additionally, seeking professional support, such as therapy or counseling, can offer specialized guidance and tools to navigate financial stress, anxiety, or other mental health issues.

Professionals can provide valuable insights, help you develop coping strategies, and equip you with practical skills to manage your emotions and make informed financial decisions.

Remember, reaching out for support is a sign of strength, and it can make a significant difference in your overall well-being by providing the necessary resources and assistance to overcome challenges and foster a healthier relationship with yourself and your finances.

Self-care with Li logo
Self-care with Li logo

Final Thoughts

Finacial self-care is a vital aspect of overall well-being that should not be overlooked. Through this journey of exploring the intersection between mental health and financial management, I have come to realize that self-care goes beyond surface-level pampering.

It encompasses intentional actions and choices that prioritize our financial health and mental well-being simultaneously.

By setting financial goals aligned with our values and practicing mindfulness in our financial decisions, we can cultivate a healthier relationship with money and promote mental wellness.

It is crucial to reduce financial stress and anxiety by creating realistic budgets, exploring free or low-cost self-care activities, prioritizing rest and sleep, and practicing gratitude and mindfulness.

Additionally, seeking support from our loved ones and professionals when needed can provide valuable guidance and assistance on our path to financial self-care.

Remember, financial self-care is not about the size of our bank account but rather about taking control of our financial well-being in a way that supports our overall happiness and peace of mind.

So, let's embark on this journey together, embracing financial self-care as an essential part of our holistic self-care routine.

With Love & Wellness

From Virginia Beach

Li ❤️

"Breathe In Breathe Out"

Map of Virginia Beach with blue background
Map of Virginia Beach


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