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How to Stop Yourself from Feeling Anxious

Anxiety is a common feeling that many of us experience at different points in our lives.

It's that overwhelming sense of worry, fear, or unease that can make it hard to focus or relax.

Personally, I often feel anxious when I overthink things, like when I dwell on past mistakes or worry about the future.

Our minds can create scenarios that may never happen, leading to a cycle of negative thoughts and emotions.

I have been guilty of “Worst Case Scenario Thinking”. Going down the rabbit hole of all the bad things that can happen can cripple your potential and cause you to live in fear and anxiety.

Why Do We Feel Anxious

We feel anxious because our brains perceive a threat, whether real or imagined, and trigger a stress response.

Most often it comes from overthinking the future. This is a common stress factor because their is so much going on around us.

Understanding these triggers is key to managing and stopping anxiety in its tracks. It’s important that we find ways to stay in the present moment.

Overthinking & Anxiety Disorders 

We have all experienced worry and fear of an unwanted outcome. However there is a difference between overthinking and having a anxiety disorder.

If the feeling of anxiety is simply overwhelming and it’s difficult to manage your thoughts it could be a problem worth seeking help for.

There are many different types of anxiety disorders, but here are some of the most common:


● Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)


● Social Phobia/Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)


● Panic/Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)


● Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)


● Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD)


It's important to note that feeling anxious doesn't necessarily indicate a mental disorder.

Often, it's the everyday stressors of life that can overwhelm us, such as work pressure, relationship issues, or financial concerns.

These factors can contribute to heightened anxiety levels, even in individuals without a diagnosed mental health condition.

Recognizing the impact of these stressors and learning to manage them effectively can play a significant role in reducing anxiety and improving overall well-being.

The Mayo Climic has wonderful insight and recommendations for anyone who wants additional information about diagnosis.

Remember, experiencing anxiety is a common human experience, and seeking support and implementing self-care strategies can help navigate through these challenging moments.

Feeling overwhelmed by anxiety

As you navigate life's challenges, are you feeling trapped in a cycle of negative thoughts that are affecting your wellbeing?

Rest assure, there are effective strategies to manage it and regain control over your thought life and your feelings.

It is very possible to conquer anxiety in various life stages and situations, empowering you to lead a more balanced and peaceful life.

Explore these actionable steps to address anxiety head-on and prioritize your self-care journey to promote mental wellness and inner peace.

Breath Deeply

Deep breathing is a self-soothing technique that promotes relaxation by slowing your breath, relaxing muscles, and focusing on the present moment.

It’s not very difficult and you can do it almost anywhere.

Inhale for four seconds and exhale for eight seconds, repeating three times for a calming effect.

Practice variations to tailor the exercise to your needs, reducing anxiety and promoting overall well-being.

Express Yourself

When feeling anxious, talking about it is key. Remember, anxiety is common, and many have overcome it.

Your experience is valid, and there are others who can relate.

Create a list of calming activities and prioritize open conversations about your anxiety for relief and support.

Write it Down

Understanding the root of anxiety is challenging, making self-expression difficult.

To address this, write down your feelings and physical sensations to identify triggers.

Seek support from others to alleviate the burden of anxiety.

Remember, expressing yourself is a crucial step in finding relief and connecting with understanding individuals who can help.

Be Flexible

Flexibility is key in managing anxiety as it allows for adaptation to changing circumstances and challenges.

Being rigid can intensify anxiety, while flexibility enables resilience and problem-solving skills.

Embracing flexibility promotes a sense of control and empowers individuals to navigate stressors with a more balanced and adaptable mindset.


Final Thoughts

Life is difficult but it can be easier when we do it together. Self Care with Li is dedicated to offering guidance and direction to get through one day at a time.


Addressing issues of anxiety involves understanding its roots, expressing emotions, seeking support, and fostering flexibility.

Recognizing commonality in experiences and utilizing coping strategies like deep breathing and communication are important.

Embracing self-care practices, engaging in physical activity, and promoting open dialogue contribute to managing anxiety effectively for overall well-being.

Let prioritize our wellbeing and put ourselves first.

With Love ❤️



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