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Learning To Love Myself More: Easy Ways To Embrace The Real Me

Me First

As a Selfcare educator, podcaster, and influencer, I dedicate much of my time to helping people prioritize self-care and achieve life balance.

However, I've come to realize that self-care is sometimes misunderstood as being selfish and self-centered.

But you know what? So what!

Trust me, if you don't prioritize yourself, nobody else will. Just think about it: if you're constantly tending to others and solving their problems, when will you find the time to address your own needs?

Remember, you can't pour from an empty cup. I'm not suggesting you forget about everyone else, but I am stressing the importance of making yourself your top priority.

Fill your cup first before pouring into others. I promise you it’s the only way to live up to your highest potential and feel fulfilled.

First Things First

Before you begin thinking about how to put yourself first. It’s important to set yourself up for success. Believe me when I say that old habits die hard.

If you are a born empath it’s often hard to prioritize your own needs over family, friends and work.

When you become intentional about pursuing your own interest, guilt may set in. Some individuals don’t even feel worthy of having what they want.

"Listen to me: 'You Are Worthy.' You deserve to live your own life and chase your own dreams.

Don’t feed into guilty thoughts, and don’t let others define you. In other words, don’t get distracted. Focus, focus, focus!"

Lay The Foundation

It’s important to lay a strong foundation for prioritizing yourself. By shifting your focus from external demands to your own emotional needs, you cultivate resilience, self-awareness, and emotional balance.

This mindset shift empowers you to set healthy boundaries, boost self-esteem, and nurture a positive self-image.

To help lay the foundation for maintaining balance download this free printable of the 12 Building Blocks Of Selfcare. I have mine framed on my wall above my desk so I can keep the areas of my life balanced.

When you prioritize self-care, you enhance your mental health, reduce stress, and increase overall happiness.

It's important to remember self-care is not one-and-done. Self-care encompasses 12 areas of our life and we must have balance in all 12.

By recognizing your own needs and meeting them, you develop a deeper sense of self-worth and authenticity.

Ultimately, putting yourself first not only benefits you but also enables you to show up more fully for others in a sustainable and meaningful way.

Letting Go Of Regret

One of the most challenging emotions we face in this human experience is guilt and regret.

It's important that we learn to manage both, as they don't serve us well and can harm our capacity to love and trust ourselves.

The first step toward self-love is acknowledging that everyone makes mistakes. Instead of dwelling on the past, use it as a stepping stone for growth.

Learn from your experiences and let go of anything that may hold you back from embracing the present.

Letting go of regret is important in the journey toward self-love and personal growth. It involves a profound realization that, as individuals, we are bound to make mistakes – it's a natural part of the human experience.

To accept this reality is to embrace the truth, the notion that our past actions do not define the person we are today.

Regret often stems from holding onto a specific example of a poor choice, an embarrassing moment, or a decision that, in retrospect, might have been better handled.

However, it's essential to recognize that these instances do not dictate our worth or determine our future.

In fact, our most important relationship is the one with ourselves, and how we treat ourselves in the face of past errors matters significantly.

By letting go of regret, we open ourselves up to the possibility of self-forgiveness, paving the way for personal growth and a more compassionate embrace of the person we are becoming.

Change Your Self-Talk

Negativity in self-talk can be a formidable barrier to achieving self-acceptance and, consequently, a fulfilling life.

The way we communicate with ourselves directly influences our self-esteem and mental health.

Recognizing that negative self-talk often stems from a distorted perception of our true selves is crucial.

By consciously engaging in positive affirmations and cultivating a mindset of self-love, we create a foundation for improved self-acceptance.

Acknowledging that you deserve self-care is the first step toward unlocking the full potential of your true self.

Embracing all facets of who you are, flaws, and strengths alike, contributes significantly to mental well-being.

To change negative self-talk is to empower yourself with the knowledge that your internal dialogue shapes your self-esteem and your ability to lead a more fulfilling life.

Ultimately, self-love is not just a luxury but a fundamental necessity on the path to well-being—because when it comes down to it, it's all about just you and your relationship with yourself.

Spend Time in Nature with Those You Love

Spending time in nature is a leisurely pursuit and a powerful tonic for the mind and body.

The immersive experience of natural surroundings has the transformative ability to treat stress, nurture happiness, and enhance our overall well-being.

Amidst the hustle of modern life, nature provides a sanctuary where we can unwind and reconnect with the simplicity of the world around us.

Engaging with the world of little things, like the rustling of leaves or the gentle sway of branches, sparks a renewed appreciation for life's subtle wonders.

As we prioritize nature in our daily routines, we cultivate a sense of mindfulness that permeates our relationships and everyday ideas.

Nature offers a profound opportunity to treat the body and soul, fostering happiness and inspiring fresh perspectives.

It reminds us that, in the grand tapestry of existence, the simplest moments outdoors hold the key to a more enriched and balanced life.

Fill Your Home with Things That Make You Happy

Filling your home with things that bring you happiness is a tangible reflection of your authentic self and an essential step toward cultivating a fulfilling life.

Many don't realize that being intentional about your space and environment is a form of self-care. It's actually one of the building blocks in the 12 Building Blocks Of Self-care.

Your living space is a canvas where your unique preferences and values manifest.

It’s important that you create a sanctuary that nurtures your well-being by curating a home that resonates with your needs.

Incorporating elements that bring joy and comfort promotes a sense of belonging, even during alone time.

When you create your own environment, authenticity thrives and the essence of your true self comes to the surface.

When your environment speaks to who you are, you become more fulfilled and can then live a more harmonious life.

Shifting Your Mood

Let's face it! We all let life weigh us down sometimes. This is when we have to dig deep and become mentally strong enough to shift our emotions.

During a hard time, fostering positive emotions requires intentional hard work and tenacity.

True love for oneself begins at a deeper level, acknowledging that self-love is the cornerstone of well-being.

When loving ourselves feels challenging we have to be able to remind ourselves why we deserve to be loved in spite of our shortcomings and mistakes.

Unconditional love for oneself means embracing every moment with kindness and understanding, especially during difficult periods.

Successful women and men, often emphasize the importance of caring for others, but this care must also be extended to oneself too.

We have to learn to balance our roles and responsibilities and squeeze out time to get centered and balanced.

We have to include self-care practices in our daily routines. These practices have to be woven into our day just like food and water.

It's not just a fleeting endeavor but a commitment to the mission of cultivating positive emotions, loving and forgiving ourselves.

Let's commit to adopting self-care practices that nurture and strengthen who we are and the life we are creating.

Adopt an Abundance Mindset

Adopting a mindset of abundance is a transformative journey that begins with the conscious decision to do and have more.

This involves acknowledging who you are and what you desire and believing that you can achieve it.

Remember that abundance doesn't mean lots of money. Abundance means being fulfilled and living a life of joy.

Money is a medium of exchange. Simply find a way to help people. Find a way to serve and people will pay for excellent service in every niche. Create a strategy and adopt a growth mindset.

Be Patient

Success is not made overnight. Be patient and enjoy the journey.

To foster a growth mindset, celebrate failures as stepping stones to success, emphasizing the process over immediate results.

Embrace constructive feedback as a means of improvement and view setbacks not as roadblocks but as essential components of the learning curve.

Cultivate curiosity, constantly seek new challenges, and understand that success is a product of resilience and continuous learning, shaping a mindset that thrives on progress and embraces the limitless possibilities of personal development.

Surround Yourself with Positive and Supportive People

Surrounding yourself with good and positive people is a transformative choice that can shape the trajectory of your life.

Their influence can elevate your mindset, fostering optimism and resilience in facing challenges.

Positive relationships create a supportive environment where encouragement and mutual growth thrive.

These connections contribute to emotional well-being, offering a network of understanding and compassion.

Good company inspires you to achieve and become the best version of yourself, influencing your goals and values positively.

By choosing uplifting companions, you create a harmonious social ecosystem that enhances your happiness, fosters personal development, and fortifies your emotional resilience.

Practicing Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness is an activity that has the ability to anchor you to the present moment, fostering a heightened awareness of thoughts and sensations.

Mindfulness provides a sanctuary of mental stillness, allowing us to detach from future anxieties or past regrets.

By cultivating this non-judgmental awareness, we learn to respond rather than react to life's challenges.

Mindfulness transcends meditation, permeating everyday activities with a conscious presence.

The practice encourages a profound connection with oneself, fostering clarity and a deeper understanding of personal motivations.

In a world full of distractions, mindfulness becomes an invaluable tool, offering a path to inner calm, improved focus, and a more intentional and fulfilling way of living.

Don't Lose Yourself in Relationships

Navigating a romantic relationship while preserving your individuality can be challenging.

It's easy to get caught up in other people's opinions or lose yourself in the emotional energy of a partnership.

Remember in spite of any relationship it's important to remain your own best friend. Cherish and enjoy your own company and personal time.

Be sure to continue to maintain a connection with your own life, family members, and personal interests.

Don't fall into the trap of loving a partner so deeply that you forget about yourself.

Become creative in effectively managing and balancing between personal growth and the dynamics of your romantic relationship. It is possible and necessary.

The key is to create a loving relationship where both individuals feel worthy of love and fulfillment and the freedom to be individually authentic.

Accept Yourself As You Are

Accepting yourself as you are is a transformative journey towards self-love and authenticity. It involves embracing the good and the areas that need improvement.

By accepting your unique qualities, you pave your way to self-discovery and genuine happiness.

This act of self-acceptance fosters a loving way of relating to yourself, promoting a healthy habit of positive self-talk and affirmation.

It's a continuous practice integrated into everyday life, where acknowledging your strengths and flaws becomes as essential as breathing.

In the grand tapestry of existence, accepting yourself is one of the most important things you can do.

It liberates you from the shackles of comparison, allowing your authentic self to shine through, creating a life that resonates with your true essence.

Practice Self-Care

Self-care is an indispensable practice that nurtures holistic well-being, encompassing physical, emotional, and mental dimensions of the self.

In the craziness of daily life, taking intentional steps to prioritize oneself is not an indulgence but a necessity.

It involves activities that recharge and rejuvenate, from simple daily rituals to more intentional practices.

Self-care is a powerful antidote to stress, promoting resilience and preventing burnout. It fosters a positive relationship with oneself, contributing to improved mental health and increased self-esteem.

By honoring your own needs, you begin to cultivate a deeper self-awareness and compassion, laying the foundation for a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Ultimately, self-care is not a luxury but a fundamental practice that empowers you to navigate life's challenges with vitality and grace.

You Are Worthy

Feeling worthy is the cornerstone of a fulfilled existence that transcends the ebb and flow of people's opinions and external validations.

An enduring sense of self-value accompanies you throughout life, shaping your choices and interactions.

When you recognize your worth, you find solace in your company, valuing the relationship you cultivate with yourself.

This self-assurance becomes a guiding force, empowering you to embrace new things and navigate challenges with resilience.

In the long run, feeling worthy is not contingent on fleeting external validations but is rooted in acknowledging your positive traits and the inner work you invest in personal growth.

It grants you the autonomy to determine your time, forging a path toward self-discovery and authenticity that extends far beyond the influence of external judgments.

Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries is a fundamental practice in self-love and personal well-being.

For a long time, you may have neglected the importance of clearly defining limits, allowing past mistakes or negative thoughts to infiltrate your emotional space.

Establishing boundaries is a great way to break free from negative self-talk and self-doubt.

It involves recognizing one's self-worth and the necessity of self-approval, creating a better place for personal growth.

As Oscar Wilde aptly stated, "To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance." Setting boundaries is a declaration of self-love, a commitment to safeguarding one's emotional and mental health.

It means consciously navigating every moment with loving actions towards yourself, even in the face of critical opinions or parental expectations.

Remember, each of us has the power to consciously choose how we want to navigate the intricate journey of self-discovery. Don't give that power away.

Accept Your Flaws and Mistakes

Accepting yourself with all your flaws and mistakes is a transformative act of self-love.

Keep in mind that perfection is an unrealistic standard and that true beauty lies in embracing the entirety of who you are.

Each flaw and mistake contributes to your unique journey and growth.

By accepting these aspects, you cultivate resilience and self-compassion, fostering a deeper connection with your authentic self.

It liberates you from self-judgment, allowing space for personal development and a genuine sense of inner peace.

Embracing imperfections is not a sign of weakness but a courageous step toward living authentically and wholeheartedly.

Start a Journal

Journaling is a therapeutic practice that allows you to express your thoughts and emotions in writing.

Use a journal to document your self-love journey, reflect on your progress, and celebrate the moments of realization and growth.

Physical self-care is a cornerstone of overall well-being, recognizing the intricate connection between the body and mind.

It involves prioritizing practices that nurture and rejuvenate the physical aspects of oneself.

Regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and sufficient rest are not merely indulgences but essential components for a healthy and vibrant life.

The Importance of Physical Self-Care

Physical self-care contributes to increased energy levels, enhanced mood, and a strengthened immune system.

Beyond the physical benefits, it promotes a positive self-image and boosts self-esteem.

By dedicating time to care for the body, individuals empower themselves to tackle life's challenges with resilience and vigor, laying the foundation for a fulfilling and balanced existence.

Build Your Self-Confidence

Building self-confidence is a transformative journey that centers on the intrinsic understanding that you matter.

It involves a conscious focus on recognizing your strengths and accomplishments, allowing you to begin to realize the unique qualities that make you exceptional.

True self-confidence emerges when you completely accept yourself, flaws and all, embracing the authenticity that defines your individuality.

It's a powerful realization that your worth is not contingent on external validation but stems from an internal reservoir of self-assurance.

You become more resilient and empowered by cultivating self-confidence and navigating life purposefully and authentically.

Form Healthy Relationships

Forming healthy relationships is a cornerstone of a happy life. It's not just about finding friends or companionship; it's about cultivating connections that align with your values and contribute positively to your well-being.

Healthy relationships are not just a point in time; they are a continuous act that requires mutual respect, understanding, and the courage to navigate the complexities of the past.

It's about surrounding yourself with individuals who treat you with the worth and love you deserve, enabling you to let go of the fear of being wrong or feeling bad.

In forming healthy relationships, we hope you gain the support and strength to navigate life's challenges and never lose sight of the fact that, at the very core, you are worth loving.

Take a Social Media Break

Taking social media breaks is vital to self-care in the digital age. Constant exposure to curated online content can contribute to feelings of inadequacy and stress.

Stepping back allows individuals to reclaim their mental space, reducing the impact of comparison and fostering a healthier relationship with oneself.

It creates room for genuine connection with the present moment, offline relationships, and personal experiences.

By prioritizing moments of digital detox, individuals safeguard their mental well-being, nurture a positive self-image, and establish a healthier balance between the virtual and real worlds, ultimately contributing to a more mindful and fulfilling life.

Set Goals

Setting and achieving goals provides a sense of accomplishment and contributes to your overall well-being.

Establish realistic, fun, and meaningful goals that align with your values, and celebrate your progress along the way.

In the grand tapestry of life, self-love is the thread that weaves through every aspect, creating a masterpiece of joy, resilience, and fulfillment.

As you embark on this journey, remember that the bravest thing you can do is love yourself in every moment.

It's an act of self-stewardship, a commitment to your happiness, and the key to unlocking your best version.

So, take a deep breath, embrace the journey, and let the transformative power of self-love guide you to a place of genuine and lasting happiness.

Final Thoughts

In this life filled with distractions and external influences, it is important to remember the core essence of self-worth and self-acceptance.

By affirming "You Are Worthy," we acknowledge our intrinsic value and right to pursue our aspirations unapologetically.

Embracing our true selves, including our evolving identities, allows us to navigate life authentically and with purpose.

By prioritizing self-care, breaking limiting beliefs, and staying focused on our goals, we pave the way for personal growth and fulfillment.

Loving oneself and embracing our journey, with all its challenges and triumphs, is the cornerstone to living a fulfilling and meaningful life.

With Love From Virginia Beach

Li ♥️

Li Morales is a Blogger, Podcastor and has a YouTube channel. She is considered an influencer and a Self-Care Educator. Her biggest desire is to encourage everyone to take care of themselves first so that they will have the ability to take care of others!



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