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Podcasts Pick: The Best Self Care Show To Inspire You

According to Edison Podcast Metrics the Top podcast are as follows:

  1. The Joe Rogan Experience 

  2. Crime Junkie 

  3. The Daily

  4. This American Life 

  5. Call Her Daddy 

Top Selfcare Podcast According To “Better Up” are as Follows:

1. The Happiness Lab

2. Life Kit

3. The Tim Ferris’s Show

4. The Minimalist

5. The arich Roll Podcast


In my role as a self-care educator and influencer, I emphasize the significance of intellectual self-care across my blog, podcast, and YouTube channel.

One powerful tool in nurturing this aspect is through a podcast. By sharing personal experiences, practical advice, and personal stories, a self-improvement podcast can offer new perspectives, practical advice, and scientific research on personal development.

With new episodes released regularly, listeners can access a wealth of knowledge to enhance their intellectual well-being and stay current in any area.

Featuring discussions with bestselling authors, social media influencers, and other experts, these podcasts can provide a little help in navigating daily life and striving towards becoming your best version.

Listening to a range of podcasts can provide valuable insights and knowledge that support your intellectual self-care journey, helping you to lead a fulfilling life.

What Is Intellectual Self-Care

Intellectual self-care involves engaging in activities that stimulate your mind, such as reading, learning new things, engaging in creative pursuits, or problem-solving activities to maintain and improve cognitive function and mental well-being.

Before starting college, I hated school. My main interests were lunch and gym; I found classes boring and way too long.

However, college revealed a new perspective: the freedom to choose subjects that truly captivated me.

I continue to approach learning with this mindset, believing that it can be useful when approached in engaging and stimulating ways.

Podcasts, in my opinion, exemplify this approach. They allow you freedom and flexibility to learn what and when you want.

Why Podcast

Podcasts, particularly self-help podcasts, are a great way to gain intellectual perspective and enhance your life.

By listening to thought-provoking podcasts with in-depth interviews and special guests, you can explore practical tips, relationship advice, and deep dives into various topics.

These podcasts feature real people sharing their own struggles and experiences, offering insights from mental health professionals like licensed psychologists and motivational speakers.

Through discussions on mental health, physical health, time management, and positive change, podcasts provide a platform for personal growth and development.

Listeners can learn about good habits, better care for their mental and physical well-being, and how to navigate challenges like body image, childhood trauma, and relationship issues.

Podcasts, offer a unique blend of inspiration and advice from successful people. It’s often helpful to hear from people who are already doing that thing you want to do.

Listening to podcasts is a convenient way to incorporate valuable knowledge and diverse perspectives into your daily routine, contributing to a better life overall.

The Flexibility of Listening

Podcasts are a fantastic medium for listening on the go due to their convenience and portability.

Unlike other forms of media like video or reading, podcasts allow listeners to multitask while absorbing information or entertainment.

Whether commuting, exercising, or doing chores, podcasts offer a hands-free way to engage with content.

Additionally, podcasts provide flexibility because they are primarily audio-based, allowing listeners to consume the content without needing to watch a screen.

This enables individuals to listen while engaging in various activities, making it easier to incorporate learning and entertainment into their daily routines without being tied to a specific time or location.

The audio format of podcasts offers a level of convenience and freedom that video or text-based content may not provide, making it a popular choice for on-the-go consumption.

I myself started out as a podcaster. I love the idea of building a community and discussing topics that will elevate and inspire.

However, as much as I love talking, I still love listening and learning. It helps me stay balanced and focused.

Final Thoughts

I’ve learned that Podcasts can be essential for personal growth and learning, offering practical advice, personal stories, and expert insights on self-improvement and mental wellbeing.

From renowned authors like Brené Brown to licensed psychologists such as Dr. Laurie Santos, these podcasts feature special guests who share practical tips and personal experiences to inspire positive change.

With topics ranging from good habits to relationship advice, listeners can engage with in-depth interviews and thought-provoking discussions to navigate challenges like childhood trauma and time management.

Dive into this world of self-help podcasts to cultivate a happier life and better care for your mental and physical well-being.


1. What role do podcasts play in personal growth and learning?

Answer: Podcasts serve as valuable resources for individuals looking to enhance personal growth and broaden their knowledge base.

2. How do podcasts offer practical advice for daily life improvement?

Answer: By providing practical tips and insights, podcasts help listeners implement positive changes in their daily routines.

3. Who are some of the expert guests featured on these podcasts?

Answer: Expert guests such as Brené Brown and Dr. Laurie Santos share their wisdom and expertise on self-improvement and mental health.

4. What topics are typically covered in these podcasts?

Answer: Topics range from good habits and time management to relationship advice and mental health issues, offering a holistic approach to personal development.

5. How do personal stories shared on podcasts contribute to inspiring positive change?

Answer: Personal stories shared on podcasts provide relatable experiences that inspire listeners to make positive changes in their lives.

6. Why are in-depth interviews and deep dives important in self-help podcasts?

Answer: In-depth interviews and deep dives offer a comprehensive exploration of various topics, providing valuable insights and perspectives for personal growth.

7. How can podcasts help individuals navigate challenges like childhood trauma and body image issues?

Answer: By addressing sensitive topics like childhood trauma and body image, podcasts offer guidance and support for overcoming personal challenges.

8. What is the significance of mental health professionals like licensed psychologists in podcast discussions?

Answer: Mental health professionals bring expertise and credibility to podcast discussions, offering valuable insights and advice on mental well-being.

9. How do podcasts contribute to cultivating a happier life and better care for mental and physical health?

Answer: Podcasts provide tools, strategies, and inspiration for cultivating happiness and improving overall well-being.

10. What makes podcasts a great medium for gaining new perspectives and personal growth?

Answer: By featuring a diverse range of topics and expert guests, podcasts offer listeners the opportunity to broaden their perspectives and strive towards their best selves.

If you seek a podcast to boost your spirits, provide motivation, and inspire you, your search ends here. Explore "Selfcare with Li," my very own podcast. Let me be the supportive voice in your ear.


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