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Self-Care Is Not Selfish

Updated: Nov 19, 2023

Is Self-Care Selfish?

The word"self-care" has emerged as a popular term that's difficult to ignore. But what does it really mean? While some dismiss it as just another passing fad, others understand its importance in maintaining overall well-being.

Interestingly, the World Health Organization acknowledges self-care practices as vital for promoting good health and preventing illnesses.

The idea of self-care improving our health is worth exploring.

In my personal experience, I know that a lack of self-care can take a toll on your overall health. I know firsthand how making self-care a priority is the best way to improve both mental and physical health. It has even had a profound effect on my overall spiritual well-being.

I frequently notice that when I initiate discussions about self-care, often people resist the idea by stating that they don't want to be selfish.

They seem to believe that self-care and selfishness are synonymous. However, this couldn't be further from the truth. Self-care is not selfish!

What Is Self-Care

You've probably heard the term "self-care" thrown around in countless conversations. Friends might have mentioned their weekend "self-care routine," or perhaps you've read about Self-care Sunday's.

In addition to all the buzz there are countless articles about self-care tips and products and their importance to well-being.

In simple terms, self-care refers to actions and practices you engage in to maintain and promote health in your daily life, both physically, mentally and spiritually. But is it just another fleeting trend? Absolutely not!

According to the International Self-Care Foundation, self-care is a lifelong habit and culture that can help individuals manage stress, prevent disease, and lead a balanced life. So, it's safe to say that there's definitely more to it than just bubble baths and spa days.

Addressing the Myth: Is Self-Care Really Selfish?

A common misconception is that taking time out for oneself might seem self-centered, but think about it: A person who looks after their own health and emotional well-being is in a better position to support others.

The broad benefits of people who are in a state of wellness goes far beyond the individual themselves. It flows over into families, communities, and the world around us. We'd likely see fewer health-related issues and a society better equipped to handle life's challenges.

The Key Differentiations Between Self-Care and Selfishness

Here are the key differentiations:

Purpose - Self-care aims to promote health and well-being, whereas selfishness often disregards others' feelings for personal gain.

Outcome - Practicing self-care leads to better mental health and emotional health, benefiting those around the individual. Selfish acts, on the other hand, can lead to strained relationships and negative emotions.

Guidance - Self-care often involves guidance from healthcare providers or health workers, ensuring that individuals make informed decisions. Selfishness lacks this expert input.

Sustainability - Self-care practices, like getting seven to eight hours of sleep or having a balanced diet, contribute to long-term health. Selfish acts often provide short-term pleasure with potential long-term consequences.

Mind Matters: How Does Self-Care Boost Mental Well-Being?

Promoting mental health is one of the primary reasons why many dive into a self-care routine. That is exactly the reason I adopted a self-care lifestyle.

I have embraced The 12 Building Blocks Of Self-Care. I have made them an intricate part of my daily life. Here are some tangible benefits for what happens when we give ourselves the care we deserve:

  • Manage Stress Better - Regular self-care practices, whether it's physical self-care like yoga or emotional self-care like journaling, provide an outlet for stress, making daily challenges more manageable.

  • Boost in Mood - Ever noticed how a simple walk in nature can elevate your mood? That's self-care at work.

  • Improved Focus and Clarity - Taking breaks and ensuring adequate rest means a sharper, more attentive you.

  • Better Emotional Regulation - Emotional self-care can aid in understanding and processing emotions more effectively.

Hit The Reset Button

Have you ever felt rejuvenated after some alone time? I'm sure you have! That's because taking time out allows our brains to reset. It's like shutting down your computer after days of continuous work.

This 'restart' not only helps manage stress but also paves the way for creativity and new ideas. It's like giving your brain the "me-time" it genuinely craves!

How Our Bodies Thank Us for Self-Care

Physical health is something we often take for granted until something goes wrong. However, just as a car needs regular servicing, our bodies thrive with a little TLC. The bond between the body and mind is profound, and self-care interventions can nourish both.

From Improved Immunity to Renewed Energy: The Body's Response to TLC

From the food we eat to the amount of rest we allow ourselves, these practices have far-reaching effects. When we give our bodies what they need, they reward us with improved immunity.

Ever noticed how those who practice self-care, like maintaining a balanced diet and regular exercise, tend to fall sick less often? It's the body's way of expressing gratitude.

But it's not just about warding off illness. Self-care practices also replenish our energy reserves. After a good night's sleep or a session of spiritual self-care, like meditation, there's a palpable boost in our energy and vigor.

And when in doubt, always consult a health care provider or health worker. They can offer guidance tailored to individual needs, ensuring the self-care practices we adopt promote health and prevent disease effectively.

Emotional Balance: Why Self-Care is a Game-Changer

Emotions - they can be tricky, can't they? One moment, we're on cloud nine, and the next, we might feel like everything's falling apart. But here's where self-care becomes a game-changer.

Simple acts of self-kindness, whether it's indulging in a hobby or taking time for spiritual self-care, can provide an immediate emotional uplift. It's almost like these acts serve as a buffer, cushioning us from the harsh blows of daily stresses.

And no, this isn't just about putting a band-aid on a wound. Self-care practices, when done consistently, can significantly improve our mental well-being over time.

For those with a mental health condition, self-care becomes even more crucial. While it's essential to consult professionals and avoid self-medication, integrating regular self-care can be an effective complementary strategy.

Self-Care vs. Overindulgence: Where's the Line?

As we journey into the world of self-care, a lingering question often arises: How much is too much?

It's not uncommon for people to mistake self-care for a free pass to indulge in any and everything under the guise of "treating oneself."

However, there's a fine line between genuine self-care and plain overindulgence.


True self-care has a purpose behind it — to rejuvenate, to heal, to replenish. Whether it's diving into a book to enrich one's mind, practicing meditation for mental well-being, or engaging in physical activities for health promotion, the goal is always towards betterment.


On the flip side, overindulgence often serves as a momentary escape. It's the extra slice of cake when not hungry or binge-watching shows for hours, sidelining essential tasks. While occasional indulgences are perfectly okay (we're all human!), mistaking them for self-care can hinder genuine personal growth.

How Do We Strike a Balance That's Just Right

Walking the tightrope between self-care and overindulgence might seem tricky, but it becomes more straightforward with mindfulness. Here are some steps to help find that golden balance:

• Self-awareness - This is your anchor. Regularly checking in with yourself and assessing how you feel after certain activities can provide clarity. Did that spa day genuinely relax you, or did it feel like a dent in your wallet?

• Set Boundaries - If your self-care activity starts affecting daily responsibilities or becomes a financial burden, it might be time to recalibrate. For instance, a shopping spree can be therapeutic occasionally, but if it's leading to debt, it's overindulgence.

• Quality Over Quantity - It's better to fully engage in one self-care activity that genuinely benefits you than to dabble in many that offer superficial or momentary relief.

• Consult Professionals - If in doubt, seeking guidance can help. A health worker or counselor can provide insights into beneficial self-care practices tailored to individual needs.

Remember the Goal - True self-care aims for long-term well-being, not just instant gratification. Whenever in doubt, revisiting this purpose can guide you.

In essence, while self-care is essential for holistic well-being, it's crucial to ensure it doesn't become an avenue for unchecked indulgence. Like many things in life, it's all about balance.

Simple Steps to Start: Everyday Self-Care Practices

Diving into the realm of self-care might feel a bit daunting at first, right? With all the elaborate rituals and fancy routines out there, you might wonder, "Where do I even start?" But here's the good news: self-care doesn't need to be complicated.

It's all about integrating healthy practices into our daily lives, making it both achievable and sustainable.

So, ready to get started? Let's dive in!

Morning Moments 

Before reaching for your phone, spend the first few minutes of your day taking deep breaths or stretching. It sets a positive tone for the day ahead.

Adequate Sleep 

This cannot be stressed enough (pun intended!). Seven to eight hours of rest can work wonders. It's not just about quantity but quality, too. Darken your room, keep devices away, and drift into a peaceful slumber.

Mini-Meditative Breaks 

No need for a full-blown hour of meditation. Just a few minutes of focused breathing during the day can help center you. Close your eyes, inhale, exhale. Repeat.

Digital Detox 

We live in a digital age, but sometimes it becomes a source of unnecessary stress. Designate specific times to step away from screens. Maybe an hour before bed? Your eyes and mind will thank you!

Stay Hydrated 

Seems simple, right? Yet many of us forget. Keep a water bottle handy. Hydrate and keep those energy levels up.

Move That Body 

Whether it's a short walk, a quick stretch, or a mini dance session in your living room - movement is key!

Join a Community

Engaging with communities to promote health can be a game-changer. Whether it's a walking group, yoga class, or an online forum discussing healthy recipes - being part of a community can be both motivational and supportive.

Learn to Say No 

It's tempting to be everywhere and do everything. But if it's causing strain, learn to decline. Remember, it's okay to prioritize your well-being.

Starting with self-care is like planting a seed. Initially, it might seem tiny and insignificant. But with consistent care and attention, it grows, flourishes, and transforms. So, why wait? Pick a few from the list, integrate them into your daily routine, and witness the magic unfold!

How to Prioritize Self-Care Even on Jam-Packed Days

On those frenzied days when the clock feels like an opponent, weaving in self-care can seem like a Herculean task. But, believe it or not, it's on these demanding days that self-care becomes even more vital.

Beginning your day with intent can make a world of difference. Whether it's a brief 5-minute meditation or a simple gratitude exercise, these grounding morning rituals set a positive tone for what lies ahead.

1. Microbreaks

Amid the chaos, it's beneficial to carve out "microbreaks." You might not have an hour to spare, but surely you can spare 10 minutes. These pockets of time can be your sanctuary - a quick walk, a moment of deep breathing, or even just disconnecting to savor a hot beverage.

2. Mindful Engagement

Another subtle yet powerful act is mindful engagement. Amid the rush, try wholly immersing yourself in whatever you're doing, be it sipping your tea or tackling a task. This singular focus, even if brief, provides a momentary reprieve from the hustle.

3. Setting boundaries

Lastly, it's imperative to recognize that prioritizing self-care might sometimes mean setting boundaries. Understand that it's okay to say "no" or "not now."

After all, we're all human, and there are limits to our energy and attention.

Final Thoughts

It's so important to LOVE ourselves by any means necessary. In our ever-busy lives, self-care often takes a backseat.

But it's not always about lengthy breaks or elaborate rituals; it's the small, intentional moments we sneak in amidst the chaos.

Starting with a positive intention, grabbing short "micro breaks," and practicing mindfulness can infuse our packed days with a refreshing touch of self-kindness.

No matter how hectic things get, ensuring our well-being remains a priority is key to truly living, not just existing, each day.

With Love & Wellness

From Virginia Beach

Li ❤️

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Self-Care Is Not Selfish

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