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Unlocking Runes: A Guide To Self-Care, Love And Confidence

Updated: Dec 2, 2023

What Are Ancient Runes

Runes are an ancient system of symbols used in various Germanic languages, especially in Scandinavia, during the Viking Age and earlier.

They were primarily used as an alphabet for writing, but runes also held mystical and divinatory meanings.

Each rune has its own name, sound, and associated symbolism, making it a powerful tool for communication, self-reflection, and spiritual exploration.

Today, runes are often used in practices such as runic divination, meditation, and personal empowerment.

As a Self Care Guru, I'm always fascinated by things that have been historically used to find clarity and enhance personal well-being.

Recently, while waiting in line at the bank, I couldn't help but notice a tattoo on a guys arm standing in front of me. It was absolutely stunning!

The lettering was unfamiliar to me, and it wasn't the typical Chinese symbols that are commonly seen. Unfortunately, the line wasn't moving quickly, as is often the case on a Friday afternoon at the bank. So, I decided to strike up a conversation and ask about his tattoo.

He explained that it was a Love Viking Rune, symbolizing eternal love. Not only was the symbol beautiful, but the colors and surrounding artwork were truly impressive. In that moment, I knew I had to learn more about it.

Intrigued by the Love Viking Rune tattoo I encountered, I delved deep into the world of ancient runes, unearthing a wealth of knowledge and fascinating discoveries.

Exploring their origins, meanings, and significance, I was captivated by the intricate symbolism and rich history behind these ancient symbols.

From the Norse Elder Futhark to the Celtic Ogham script, each rune carries its own unique power and story.

I invite you, to join me on this enchanting journey as we unravel the secrets of these mystical symbols together. Prepare to be amazed by the profound wisdom and timeless beauty that ancient runes bestow upon us.

Colorful letters scrambled together
Scrambled letters

The History Of Eder Futhark

"Elder Futhark" refers not to a specific person but to the oldest known runic alphabet. The word "Futhark" is derived from the names of the first six runes: F, U, Þ, A, R, and K. The Elder Futhark was used by Germanic tribes during the early Germanic Iron Age and the Viking Age, primarily in regions of Scandinavia and Germanic-speaking areas.

The origins of the Elder Futhark are still debated among scholars, but it is believed to have evolved from earlier runic alphabets influenced by the Latin and Greek scripts.

The Elder Futhark consists of 24 characters, or runes, each with its own name, sound, and symbolic meaning.

The runes of the Elder Futhark were not only used for writing but also held mystical and divinatory significance.

They were often inscribed on various objects, such as weapons, tools, and personal items, and were used in rituals, magic, and communication.

The Elder Futhark gradually fell out of use as the Latin alphabet gained prominence. Still, its legacy remains in the form of runestones, inscriptions, and runic artifacts that provide valuable insights into the language, culture, and beliefs of the ancient Germanic peoples.

People silhouettes reflecting from the ground

The Germanic People

The Germanic people refer to a group of diverse ethnic and linguistic communities that originated in Northern Europe.

Historically, they inhabited regions that include present-day Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, England, and other parts of Europe.

The Germanic peoples played a significant role in the early history of Europe and had a profound impact on the development of various cultures and languages.

Among the Germanic tribes were well-known groups such as the Goths, Vandals, Franks, Saxons, Angles, Jutes, Lombards, and Vikings. These tribes had distinct cultural practices, languages, and societal structures.

The Germanic tribes were renowned for their warrior traditions, seafaring skills, and contributions to art, literature, and mythology.

Germanic languages, a branch of the Indo-European language family, include German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, and English. 

The Germanic peoples played a significant role in shaping the history and cultural landscape of Europe, particularly during the migration period and the medieval era Martin Findell 2015).

Woman receiving a tattoo on her back from man in blue shirt

Why Are Runes Still So Popular

1. Historical and Cultural Connection:

Runes hold a significant place in the history and culture of Northern European societies, particularly among the Germanic peoples. Many individuals with ancestral ties to these regions feel a connection to their heritage and find value in exploring the ancient traditions and symbols of their ancestors.

2. Spiritual and Esoteric Practices:

Runes are often regarded as a means of spiritual exploration, self-reflection, and personal empowerment. Some individuals incorporate runic practices into their spiritual or magical rituals, using runes for divination, meditation, manifestation, or personal guidance.

3. Symbolism and Meaning:

Each rune carries its own symbolic meaning associated with concepts such as strength, protection, wisdom, transformation, and more. People are drawn to the depth and richness of runic symbolism, finding resonance and inspiration in the messages conveyed by the runes.

4. Alternative Systems of Guidance:

Runes offers an alternative approach to seeking guidance or insight. Similar to other divinatory or oracle systems, such as tarot cards or astrology, runes can be used as a tool for self-discovery, decision-making, and gaining perspective on life's challenges.

5. Aesthetic Appeal:

The runic script has an aesthetically pleasing and distinctive appearance. Many people appreciate the beauty of runestones, runic inscriptions, and runic artwork, which can be found in jewelry, tattoos, and decorative items.

Overall, the enduring interest in runes is multifaceted, encompassing historical, spiritual, symbolic, and personal aspects that resonate with individuals seeking connection, guidance, and a deeper understanding of themselves and their cultural heritage.

Brown wearing glasses lying on top of a magazine on a table

An “A” Is Just An “A”

I personally geek out over history and symbolism. It fascinated me how glimpses of the ancient past weaves its way into our present culture.

Today, our alphabets seem straightforward, but there was a time in various cultures when each letter held deep meaning, representing emotions, circumstances, or messages. Unlike our A-Z alphabet in America, where an "A" is simply an "A," these ancient alphabets carried profound significance.

A good example of alphabetical expression is the Celtic Ogham Scripts. This remarkable system of writing, has fascinated scholars for centuries.

Originating in ancient Ireland and later spreading to other Celtic regions, Ogham is composed of a series of vertical or diagonal lines inscribed on stones or wood. Each line represents a specific letter or phonetic sound, forming a unique and visually striking script.

This intricate writing system holds great cultural and historical significance, reflecting the language and wisdom of the Celtic people.

To delve deeper into the captivating world of Ogham script and explore its meanings and interpretations, one can refer to the research conducted by Damian McManus, a renowned expert in Celtic linguistics and Ogham studies (McManus, 1991).

How Many Runes Are There

The traditional runic alphabet, the Elder Futhark, consists of 24 runes. The word "Futhark" is derived from the first six rune names: F, U, Þ, A, R, and K.

These runes represent different sounds and have distinct meanings and associations. It's worth noting that there are variations of runic alphabets with different numbers of runes, but the Elder Futhark is the most widely recognized and used.

What Are The 24 Runes

"The Elder Futhark, an ancient runic alphabet, comprises 24 distinct runes, each possessing its own name and English transliteration. Within the runic tradition, every rune holds a special sound, symbolic significance, and association.

1. Fehu (F): Represents wealth, abundance, and material possessions. It symbolizes both physical and spiritual prosperity.

2. Uruz (U): Signifies strength, vitality, and primal energy. It represents endurance, healing, and personal power.

3. Thurisaz (ᚦ): Represents protection, defense, and the ability to overcome challenges. It embodies the power of the thorn and the forces of chaos.

4. Ansuz (A): Signifies communication, divine inspiration, and wisdom. It represents the spoken word, divine messages, and intellectual insights.

5. Raido (R): Symbolizes travel, journeys, and personal growth. It represents the path of life, progress, and the ability to adapt to change.

6. Kaunan (K): Represents fire, passion, and transformation. It embodies creativity, sexual energy, and the power of inner fire.

7. Gebo (G): Signifies gifts, partnerships, and balanced exchanges. It represents the concept of reciprocity, generosity, and harmonious relationships.

8. Wunjo (W): Represents joy, happiness, and emotional well-being. It symbolizes success, contentment, and the fulfillment of desires.

9. Hagalaz (H): Signifies disruption, challenge, and transformation. It represents hail, destruction, and the need to embrace change for growth.

10. Nauthiz (N): Represents necessity, constraint, and the lessons of hardship. It symbolizes patience, endurance, and the ability to overcome obstacles.

11. Isa (I): Signifies stillness, introspection, and the power of restraint. It represents the ice, the frozen state, and the need for inner reflection.

12. Jera (J): Represents harvest, cycles, and the rewards of hard work. It symbolizes reaping what you sow and the passage of time.

13. Eihwaz (E): Signifies stability, resilience, and spiritual growth. It represents the yew tree, transformation, and the bridge between realms.

14. Perthro (P): Represents mystery, fate, and hidden knowledge. It symbolizes the well of Wyrd, divination, and the unfolding of destiny.

15. Algiz (Z): This sign signifies protection, defense, and spiritual connection. It represents the elk, the divine shield, and the ability to access higher guidance.

16. Sowilo (S): Represents the sun, life force, and personal power. It symbolizes success, enlightenment, and the radiant energy of the sun.

17. Tiwaz (T): Signifies justice, courage, and victory. It represents the sky god Tyr, the warrior's rune, and the pursuit of truth and honor.

18. Berkano (B): Represents growth, fertility, and nurturing. It symbolizes the birch tree, rebirth, and the nurturing aspects of femininity.

19. Ehwaz (E): Signifies partnership, teamwork, and progress. It represents the horse, the bond between rider and steed, and the power of collaboration.

20. Mannaz (M): Represents humanity, social connections, and self-awareness. It symbolizes the concept of community, intelligence, and personal development.

21. Laguz (L): Signifies water, intuition, and the flow of emotions. It represents the healing power of water, the subconscious mind, and the depths of the unknown.

22. Ingwaz (ŋ or NG): Represents fertility, new beginnings, and inner growth. It symbolizes the god Ing, the seed, and the potential for transformation.

23. Dagaz (D): Signifies breakthrough, enlightenment, and spiritual awakening. It represents the dawn, new beginnings, and the balance of opposites.

24. Othala (O): Represents ancestral heritage, home, and inheritance. It symbolizes family, traditions, and the connection to one's roots.

How Ancient Runes And Self-Care Intersect

Self-care and ancient runes are related in providing tools and practices for personal well-being and self-reflection.

While self-care focuses on nurturing one's physical, mental, and emotional health, runes offer a symbolic and spiritual pathway for self-discovery and empowerment.

In the context of self-care, incorporating runes into daily routines can serve as a reminder to prioritize one's well-being.

For example, using rune symbols as visual cues or wearing jewelry with runic inscriptions can act as a prompt for self-care practices throughout the day.

Additionally, runes can be used in meditation, affirmations, or intention-setting exercises to align with specific aspects of self-care.

Different runes may be associated with self-love, balance, strength, or healing, providing guidance and support in nurturing one's well-being.

Furthermore, the study and exploration of rune meanings and their historical significance can deepen one's understanding of personal growth and spiritual development.

By delving into the wisdom and ancient knowledge associated with runes, individuals can gain insights into their own journey of self-care and self-discovery.

Overall, while self-care primarily focuses on practical actions and behaviors, incorporating runes can add a spiritual and symbolic layer to the practice, enhancing personal connection and intentionality in the pursuit of well-being.

Why Self-Care is Essential

Embarking on a self-care journey is vital for our overall well-being. It encompasses taking care of our physical health, and mental and spiritual wellbeing.

Self-care is not just a luxury; it is an essential component of a healthy and balanced life.

By prioritizing self-care and making it a regular practice, we can nurture our own well-being and create a positive impact on the world around us.

How To Kick Off Your Self-Care Journey

To kick off your self-care journey, focus on exploring different self-care practices that resonate with you. Take the time to progress towards a deeper understanding of yourself and your needs.

Start by creating moments of self-care and prioritizing self-love in your daily life. Seek support from loved ones and professionals when needed, as self-care is a personal matter that encompasses both physical and mental well-being.

Embracing Self-Love

Self-love is at the core of self-care. It involves recognizing and appreciating your own worth, understanding that your mental and emotional health matters, and taking steps to prioritize your well-being. 

By practicing self-love, you create a foundation of support for yourself, allowing you to navigate life's challenges and embrace joy. 

Self Love Is Not Selfish

Self-love is often misunderstood as a selfish act, but in reality, it is the foundation for a healthy and balanced life. 

Self-love is not about prioritizing oneself at the expense of others; instead, it is about recognizing and valuing our own worth, needs, and well-being. 

When we practice self-love, we are better equipped to show up as our best selves in our relationships and commitments. 

By setting boundaries and taking care of our own physical, mental, and emotional health, we become more compassionate, understanding, and available to support others. 

Self-love is not selfish; it is a necessary act of self-preservation that allows us to give and receive love in a more authentic and sustainable way.

No More Guilt

Regarding self-care, it is crucial to let go of guilt. We often encounter internal and external pressures that make us feel guilty for prioritizing ourselves. However, it is essential to understand that taking care of your own well-being is not a selfish act. 

By letting go of guilt and setting boundaries, you create a space where you can freely explore self-care practices and discover the deep secrets of your own happiness.

Living With Confidence

Self-care empowers us to live confidently, allowing us to walk through life with freedom and authenticity. 

By prioritizing self-care practices, we break free from the demands and expectations of the outside world. Instead, we focus on being present, embracing challenges as opportunities for growth, and creating a path that aligns with our true selves. 

This journey may have its difficulties, but with a strong head and the willingness to break down walls, we can begin to live a life filled with confidence.

Mindfulness and The 24 Symbols: Exploring their Relationship

Mindfulness and the 24 symbols are an essential component of self-care, offering a transformative path towards self-love, confidence, and personal growth.

By completing the journey to explore these symbols, we can unlock a wealth of wisdom and uncover the secrets to navigating life's difficulties and combating stress.

Self-care begins with being aware of our needs and acknowledging that we deserve care and attention. It is through this awareness that we can embark on the journey to discover the 24 symbols, each representing a different aspect of our lives.

These symbols serve as guides, offering insights and tools to navigate our challenges.

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it is easy to lose sight of ourselves and the demands placed upon us. However, practicing mindfulness and engaging with the 24 symbols allows us to slow down, take a moment to talk to ourselves, and reflect on our story. This process helps us survive and thrive in the face of difficulty.

I encourage you to explore these symbols yourself, to become more aware of your own emotions, thoughts, and actions.

This heightened awareness empowers you to make conscious choices and create a more fulfilling life for yourself and loved ones.

It is through this journey that you can discover your true potential and unlock the secrets to self-love and self expression.

Completing the exploration of the 24 symbols was a transformative experience for me. It allowed me to unlock hidden aspects of myself and the world around me.

It inspired me to tap into my inner strength, and further embrace a path of self-discovery, self love and confidence.

By delving into the depths of each symbol, we gain valuable insights and tools that enable us to combat stress and navigate life's challenges with greater ease.

Self-care with Li blue logo with a sailboat in the black backdrop
Self-care with Li logo

Final Thoughts

The first thing to remember on your self-care journey is the importance of self-reflection and writing your own story.

Allow yourself to experience moments of vulnerability, acknowledging that tears and challenges are a part of the process. 

Embrace self-care practices that bring you joy and create a support system encouraging you to prioritize your well-being. Never forget that you deserve to live free from self-imposed limitations and defeat.

Embrace the power of self-care and make it a point to decide what matters most for your own personal growth and happiness.

As a self-care blogger and educator, I am passionate about exploring the historical roots of self-care and how ancient practices have influenced our modern approaches to physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. 

It is fascinating to see how different cultures throughout history have prioritized self-care in unique ways. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to self-care; it is a deeply personal journey we must each navigate independently. 

Delving into the mystical and spiritual aspects of self-care enables us to discover what resonates with us and incorporate those practices into our routines. 

It's important to remember that self-care is not about adhering to strict rules or following a specific formula but rather about finding what is useful and beneficial for our own well-being.

With Love & Wellness

From Virginia Beach

Li ❤️

“Breathe In Breathe Out”

Map of Virginia Beach on a blue background
Map of Virginia Beach


1. What is the significance of Norse mythology in relation to runes?

Norse mythology holds a deep connection to runes as many of the runic symbols are associated with deities and stories from Norse mythology. These stories provide a rich context for understanding the symbolic meanings of the runes.

2. How do rune symbols represent new beginnings and personal growth?

Certain runes, such as "Algiz" and "Mannaz," symbolize personal growth and the initiation of new phases in life. They can be used as reminders and guides for embracing change and embarking on new journeys.

3. Can love runes enhance romantic relationships?

Love runes, like "Gebo" and "Rune of opening," are believed to foster love, harmony, and connection. They can be used to strengthen the bond and nurture a loving relationship.

4. How does the concept of life force relate to the power of runes?

The rune "Sowilo" often represents life force, which is associated with the sun and embodies energy, vitality, and personal power. Runes can tap into this life force and empower individuals in their endeavors.

5. What role did ancient Germanic tribes play in developing Norse runes?

Germanic people, including the Norse, were the primary users of runes. Knowledge and use of these symbols were deeply ingrained in their culture, influencing the development and spread of runic inscriptions.

6. How were rune stones used in divination and rune reading?

Rune stones, typically inscribed with the Elder Futhark runes, were used as divinatory tools. Practitioners would draw runes from a bag and interpret their meanings to gain insight into various aspects of life.

7. How do the Elder Futhark runes differ from the Younger Futhark in terms of runic inscriptions?

The Elder Futhark, an older form of the runic alphabet, consists of 24 runes, while the Younger Futhark has fewer runes, around 16. The differences in the number and form of runes influenced the style and content of runic inscriptions.

8. How can the meanings of runes guide us on our spiritual journey?

Runes, with their profound meanings, can serve as spiritual guides, helping individuals navigate their personal growth, connect with their true essence, and make informed decisions in their spiritual practice.

9. What makes runes such powerful tools for personal empowerment and transformation?

Runes possess a strong symbolic and energetic power. Because of their association with ancient wisdom and connection to ancestral knowledge, they offer individuals a pathway to self-discovery, personal transformation, and empowerment.

10. How do runes impact our modern lives, and why are they still popular?

Runes remain relevant in modern times as they offer a unique way to tap into ancient wisdom, connect with our roots, and seek guidance in our personal lives. Their rich symbolism and versatility make them a beloved tool for self-reflection, divination, and spiritual exploration.

Digging Deeper


Integrating ancient rune ideas into our modern culture offers a captivating journey through time, enriching personal and romantic relationships with profound symbolism.

Among the set of runes, the powerful symbol of Gebo stands out as a popular choice for its association with giving and receiving. Infused with magical powers, it holds the potential to enhance one's love life, aligning with Odin's rune, known for its significance in the runic writing system.

Another influential symbol, the Rune of Joy, embodies the essence of good luck and auspicious timing. Its presence in one's life often heralds good news and positive changes, akin to the blessings bestowed by the World Tree.

The Hammer of Thor, an ancient emblem of strength, is a great way to channel energy and protect against negative forces.

The creation of bind runes, a method rooted in the knowledge of runes, allows for the crafting of personalized symbols that hold special meaning for individuals.

This practice, dating back to the time of Tacitus, the Roman historian, offers a unique method of divination, providing insights into one's current situation and guiding them toward the right decisions.

In matters of love, the Mannaz rune, represented by a vertical line, signifies a strong bond and sacred union. It's a testament to the enduring power of Nordic runes in fostering romantic love and unconditional bonds.

These ancient alphabetic symbols have found their way into everyday life, becoming divination tools for seeking guidance in heart matters. Love rune decorations, often adorned with symbols of wealth, are a tangible reminder of the spiritual power these runes hold.

The Eihwaz rune, associated with the Yew tree, further reinforces the concept of resilience and strong bonds.

Within the vast array of Nordic runes, this ancient symbol endows individuals with the ability to navigate various life situations with wisdom and grace.

As the oldest form of the runic alphabet, it carries the weight of centuries, reminding us to honor old ways while forging a path toward positive changes.

Embracing the wisdom of these ancient symbols, we find ourselves guided on the right path, shielded from negative energies by the protective Thurisaz rune.

Rooted in the old Norse language, these runes speak to us in a language of their own, offering a method of divination that transcends time and space. With free shipping available, exploring the mystical world of runes has never been easier.

Dive into the rich tapestry of Norse culture and discover the transformative power of these ancient symbols, leading you toward a life filled with love, prosperity, and spiritual growth.


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