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Unveiling the Essence: Exploring the Mission Behind 'Self-Care with Li”

Updated: Dec 2, 2023

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Welcome to the world of Self-Care with Li!

Let's embark on a journey to unravel the very essence and mission behind Self-Care with Li.

Self-care in general has become an indispensable part of our social experience over the past few years.

It's important to acknowledge the challenges we've faced. Let's be honest about the impact that not being able to visit our favorite places, travel, and connect with others for the past two years has had on our mental health.

We as a society have really leaned into the idea of taking care of ourselves so that we are capable of taking care of others. Life has really taught us that we can not pour from an empty cup.

Here at Self-Care with Li, we are committed to empowering individuals to prioritize their own well-being and embrace a lifestyle centered around self-care practices that are focused on “The 12 Building Blocks Of Self Care.

Our Objectives

Self-care with Li’s goal is to go beyond the surface-level understanding of self-care. Self care is not merely a passing trend or a buzzword, but rather a fundamental need for our overall well-being and fulfillment.

Our brand is rooted in the conviction that self-care extends far beyond pampering sessions or momentary indulgences; it encompasses a diverse range of activities that nurture our physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Li Morales
Self-Care with Li Podcast

Li Morales has a vision to use each podcast, YouTube video, TikTok, and blog post, to inspire and encourage you to delve into the heart of our brand's mission. We want to create a community that is intentional about self-discovery and growth.

So often we find ourselves trying to meet everyone elses needs while neglecting our own. Li has a passion and a calling to help every day people come to a realization that taking care of yourself is not selfish.

Li has learned firsthand the transformative power of self-care and the importance of loving and taking care of yourself.

Children's building blocks scattered on a blue table
The 12 Building Blocks of Self-care

The 12 Building Blocks Of Self-Care

Li has built her platform around the 12 Building Blocks Of Self-Care and wants to help people discover the importance of each one.

Self-Care is not a quick fix but a life long journey of self discovery and personal growth. Let's embark together on a voyage of self-love, self-compassion, and self-care with Li.

If you would like a quick start guide to understanding what Self-Care is and how to use “The 12 Building Blocks Of Self-Care as a foundation to get started on your self-care journey grab your free guide below.

Click here to download “The Complete Guide To Loving Yourself”.

Self-Care with Li has many resources to help navigate through the stages of self-care. Li hosts a podcast every week discussing the challenges of everyday life. She also gives tips and advice on how to squeeze a few minutes out daily to relax and release.

Self-care with Li podcast logo
Self-care with Li - podcast logo

In addition to the podcast, she encourages you to simply “Breathe In & Breathe Out! These may seem like simple things but we believe that you will be pleasantly surprised about the amazing effects of prioritizing yourself and being intentional about self-care.

Prioritizing oneself and being intentional about self-care can be an incredibly exhilarating journey. In our fast-paced world, it's easy to neglect our own needs and put others first.

However, when we make the conscious decision to prioritize ourselves, it opens up a world of excitement and self-discovery.

Taking time for self-care allows us to recharge, rejuvenate, and reconnect with our true selves.

Embracing self-care means acknowledging that we are deserving of love, attention, and nurturing, just like anyone else.

It's about recognizing that our well-being is not selfish but rather a necessary foundation for leading a fulfilling life.

When we prioritize ourselves, we give ourselves permission to explore our passions, interests, and dreams.

It's a thrilling experience to dive into activities that bring us joy, whether it's pursuing a hobby, indulging in a favorite pastime, or simply taking a moment to relax and unwind.

Being intentional about self-care also empowers us to set healthy boundaries and make better choices. It means saying no when necessary and prioritizing activities that truly bring us joy.

This newfound sense of commitment to ourselves can be invigorating, as it allows us to take control of our lives and shape them according to our own needs and desires.

A woman in a green sweatshirt on the oceanfront raising her hands in celebrating life
Woman raising her hands in celebrating Life

The excitement lies in the liberation from the pressures of external expectations and the freedom to authentically live our lives. You will be amazed at how good it feels to be set free of other peoples expectations, opinions and advise.

Moreover, prioritizing ourselves and practicing self-care cultivates a greater sense of self-awareness and self-love.

As we invest time and energy into our well-being, we become more attuned to our emotions, needs, and aspirations.

This heightened self-awareness enables us to make conscious choices, nurture our mental and physical health, and create a life that aligns with our values and purpose.

The journey of self-discovery and personal growth becomes a thrilling adventure, filled with moments of clarity, self-empowerment, and a deepening connection with ourselves.

Self-care with Li logo. Blue sailboat on a blue and black backdrop
Self-care with Li Ligo

My Final Thoughts

Remember, prioritizing yourself and being intentional about self-care is an exciting and transformative journey.

It allows us to tap into our passions, set healthy boundaries, and live authentically. By investing in our well-being, we cultivate self-awareness and self-love, opening the doors to personal growth and a more fulfilling life.

So, embrace the excitement of self-care and give yourself the love and attention you truly deserve. Remember, you are not in this alone.

With Love & Wellness

From Virginia Beach

Li ❤️

“Breathe In Breathe Out”

Map of Virginia Beach with blue background
Map of Virginia Beach


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